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Australia tomorrow formal signing of the FTA most products will achieve zero tariffs

AMC www.coolingtunnelsystem.com 2015-06-17 18:24:52
Australia tomorrow formal signing of the FTA most products will achieve zero tariffs

Following the China-ROK FTA signing earlier this month, China and Australia have signed the FTA. As the world's 12th largest economy, will become Australia signed a free trade agreement with China's largest developed economies. 

AMC family is very good at producing cooling tunnel machine for Australia market for any industry like chocolate,cosmetic,cake and bread etc

Australia FTA signed ...... how long I feel like it?

Indeed, China and Australia as early as November 2014 on substantive negotiations on ending the FTA, but ...... not yet formally signed. Xinhua News Agency reporters Cong Shi and Guan Huoxi-Australia free trade agreement will be signed on the 17th.

China-Australia free trade agreement can be described as a decade sword, since negotiations started in April 2005, following the China-ROK FTA, China and other major economies of the Asia-Pacific region overall, a high level of free trade agreement negotiations.

Depending on the outcome, in terms of openness, Australia to China all tariffs are reduced to zero eventually, China to Australia eventually reduced to zero tariffs on most products; service areas, each covering many sectors make to each other, high-quality open commitment ; investment, the effective date of the agreement the two sides in each other MFN status, while significantly reducing the investment review threshold, increase market access opportunities for business investment, predictability and transparency.

Australian cuisine tariffs will generally lower

Australia's vast, many dishes. Fresh seafood, tender beef and mutton, the good cheese and olive oil, as well as mellow and refreshing Aussie beer and high quality red wine ......

Australia since the entry into force of the free trade agreement, tariffs will be generally lower Australian cuisine.

China for Australian wine as currently imposed tariffs of 14% -30% in the next four years will be phased out. 
AMC is adhering to honesty, respect, openness and innovation. We committed to be the leading manufacturer of industrial automation in China, and a world class supplier of cooling tunnel system.

Little friends can also enjoy shouted: Australian lobster, coming to bowl!

In addition to these, Chinese parents are scouring the sea, you may ask for a price not canned baby formula?

According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, saying the outcome of negotiations between the two sides in Australia that include dairy products, including milk powder, 10% -20% tariff currently in China will be divided into 9-11 years gradually reduced to zero, which preserves the special milk protection mechanism. These measures, the purpose is to allow the domestic dairy industry has a long time to gradually adapt.

Australia FTA will also give rice, wheat, wool and cotton and other crops tariff concessions. In addition, China's coking coal in Australia of 3% levy tariffs will be immediately exempted, for thermal coal by 6% tariff imposed in the next two years will be canceled.

Trade between the two countries over $ 16 billion increments

Chinese Ambassador to Australia Mr Ma has published a signed article in the mainstream media in Australia, he said Australia bilateral FTA will enhance the level of bilateral economic and trade relations new impetus.

According to the forecast 2013 data, since the implementation of the China-Australia free trade agreement, bilateral trade increments over 16 billion US dollars, accounting for 10 percent of bilateral trade in 2013.

The raw material obtained in Australia compared to the FTA, the output of agricultural products and services tariff, China from the agreement will be the most profitable manufacturing, especially in the textile, clothing, toys and sports equipment and other manufacturing industries. These positive will gradually realized in 10 years.

In AMC, the mission for success are both absorbed in product and our service. AMC is always committed to build a global strategic layout for distribute. AMC is sincerely welcome our honored customers all over the world for cooling tunnel machine.

Your satisfaction is our biggest success